La Serie Educativa de La Herencia Perdida

"Discusión Semanal 5: Fundamentos Financieros y Fideicomisos Generacionales"

Jermaine Whiteside Season 1 Episode 6

En esta quinta semana de nuestra serie, exploramos los fideicomisos generacionales y su impacto en la construcción de legados duraderos. Descubre cómo estas estructuras legales protegen los activos y aseguran beneficios para las futuras generaciones, alineando la gestión financiera con los principios bíblicos de responsabilidad y herencia. Únete a nosotros para aprender sobre estrategias prácticas y escuchar testimonios personales sobre la conservación del patrimonio a través de generaciones. 

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La Serie Educativa La Herencia Perdida se enorgullece de contar con el apoyo de dos distinguidas organizaciones comprometidas con el impacto social y el empoderamiento comunitario: Anointed Connect Church Inc. y EWTECHNERD LLC. Producido por Jermaine E. Whiteside. Puedes seguir a Jermaine E. Whiteside y encontrar más recursos en su página de Linktree.

Para aquellos interesados en profundizar en el tema, pueden adquirir la copia digital en inglés de "La Herencia Perdida: Una Guía Integral para la Planificación Patrimonial para las Comunidades Afroamericanas e Hispanas" visitando EWTECHNERD.

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Este ...

Start today, don' t delay! Plan your future, find your way. Tomorrow' s promise in your hands. Lay your path across this land. Loved ones counting on your grace. Harmony in every place. Welcome to another discussion about the educational series of The Lost Property. I' m your host, Jermaine Whiteside. Today we dive into the psychological and spiritual aspects of financial behavior. Before we begin, I want to remind our listeners that The Lost Property is educational. Do not hesitate. We do not give you any specific product or service. Today we will have Mr. Johnson, an insurance agent and licensed minister, here only for educational purposes, sharing ideas about financial planning and spiritual wisdom. Eddie Bells also joined us today. An entrepreneur who transformed the life of a college student with economic difficulties to a successful business owner, just 20 years ago. 20 years ago, Eddie started his business. He started a business that provides access to legal services through a pioneering application, now expanding to 41 states and several Canadian provinces. In addition to his commercial achievements, Eddie devoted his time to training, orienting, and hosting podcast ' Freedom of Code', sharing ideas about freedom in all aspects of life. He is also very committed to dissemination and the ministry, being President of the Board of Directors of The Lost Property. He has 26 seconds and 2 major referees in the Board of Directors. Today he is the founder and the founder of a community Teresa Lang, in particular. Yeah? I' m happy today to receive leadership and support as a representative of a community one that is Swedish who want to educate the countries on the process of creativity but that many don' t have the money to do it and can see themselves in a ma accurately 있는 I am honoured to be in the past but here I share a powerful knowledge base with and operating in swing agents member and other community reciprocal прог personal service representatives of each of the nodes and have practical benefits of that in the community. Defense is not simply appropriate. An innumerable energy presented a seek mission of knowledge and innovation, plus routines Aabilet is just about nen. to preserve her mother' s home and ensure that it continues to be a family asset in the coming years. Her commitment extends beyond education and extends to practical steps to guarantee the legacy of her family. Diane, you have recently navigated to establish a real estate FIDEICOMISO. Can you start by sharing with us why this is so important for your family? Yes, of course, Jermaine. Trust was crucial to preserve my mother' s home, ensuring that it continues to be a blessing for our future generations. That' s it. It' s necessary. Be careful. Planning and sincere understanding of the legal and family needs of the family. Thank you. Thank you. So, Don, in your experience as an insurance broker, how does the financial planning of families affect the psychological barriers? Okay, Jermaine. Many families struggle with trust and communication, and both things. Yes. Crucial for a successful financial planning. You know it' s more than just about numbers. It' s about building relationships and guaranteeing a shared vision for the future. That' s true. Eddie, from your perspective, how do faith and spiritual principles influence financial decisions in this context? Yes, I think the Bible gives us clear instructions on how to make the best financial decisions. And as you know,

Proverbs 13:

22 says that a good man gives inheritance to the children of his children. So to do this, we must organize our affairs. Therefore, things such as testimony and trust are truly useful. You know, Psalm 119. 105 also says that the word is a lamp to my feet and light for my way. And if we really believe that, then we can follow the written principles found in the Bible, which is fitting to said understandings. It' s simply something that finally abides. That' s a sweet quote. Seriously. Let' s talk about integrating spiritual performance financial tools with spiritual guidance can help families overcome these challenges. Diane, how did the spiritual vision play a role in your decision-making process? Well, I feel my decision-making and all my life experience in our spiritual, my spiritual understanding and my spiritual needs. So my spiritual ideas provided a basis for trust, purpose, and help us navigate through the complexity of this state world with a clear vision and commitment to the administration. Well, thank you Don, Eddie, and Diane for your profile contributions today to our lists. Remember that financial management, especially within the family, implies navigating in psychological, rational, and especially spiritual dimensions. We hope that this discussion inspires you to approach financial planning with wisdom and faith. So join us next week and we will continue to explore an informative financial transfer strategy. Don' t forget to subscribe and share this podcast with others to find peace and purpose. Thank you for tuning in, and I hope you have the power to make financial decisions that are beneficial for your family and future generations. Again, thank you, Eddie, for being here. And Don and Diane, is there anything you would like to add before we close? I just want to thank you for allowing me to be here and worry about it; it is exciting that you are doing this project that you are doing to educate and empower others. Well, thank you, Eddie. Thank you for those words. I will also publish some links to Eddie' s podcast in the description of this podcast. It is that the podcast is a podcast of great freedom. On what platforms is that podcast available? What do you want to share so that people can find that podcast? Just looking on YouTube for my name or for the podcast code, You can find me on any podcast, Podcast Freedom, or on any podcast platform. Excellent, excellent. I will try to put those links for our listeners. And once again, thank you very much for being here. When we continue to talk about these financial funds and these financial planning vehicles, we plan to explore it in the future. So thank you again and God bless. Heavenly Father, thank you for guiding the discussion. Today, and enrich our understanding of financial administration and generational planning. We ask your wisdom to continue to guide us as we apply these principles to our lives, aligning our financial actions with your will. Bless all those who listen with the knowledge and the courage to build a legacy that honors you and tells their families. May our efforts bear fruit, may they bring glory in your name, and encourage the community of faith and abundance. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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